Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jett's Musical Debute

Introducing, for the first time in not-so-high definition:
Jett Keele
Performer Extraordinaire
(please forgive my singing)

Gotta Love Personal Hygiene!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Jett's first Trick-or-Treat!

This was the first year we took Jett trick-or-treating. We hit up two neighborhoods. First, we went with our Higbee friends. Later, Grandpa Jackson took us & the Lawrence cousins around his neighborhood.
Our little lambie, Clair Lindsey, had a great time pulling Jett up and down her street.

Jett, Tucker, Clair, Brighton, & Jordan. What a cute little crew. We had so much fun with the Higbees; thanks for showing us a good time.

Jett wanted to be a dinosaur this year. Let me tell you, that tail was a monster to sew around. If it weren't for Grandma Jean to the rescue, this dinosaur definately would have prematurely gone extinct. We LOVE grandma!

Jett had a ball with his cousins. Sadie took him by the hand and showed him how to trick-or-treat like a pro. Madison let Jett have turns knocking on the doors. Kinsley, the funny little clown, is Jett's bestest friend in the whole wide world.

The Love Boat

Ron & I got to share an amazing trip to Florida this past August.
We played in Orlando for five days, then hopped on a boat to the bahamas. I had the hottest travel companion on the boat!

Formal night on Monarch of the Seas. Watch the hand there buddy!

Lindsey after one too many virgin pina coladas. Man, I was two sheets to the wind.

Seize the day oh captain, my captain.

We had fun teasing the jellyfish at the beach. You can bop them on the heads without getting stung. Of course, they try to flip around and get you with their tentacles, but we definately had the advantage: we have brains.

Time for a little kayaking on the crystal clear ocean. We saw a bunch of big starfish and a few stingrays. We even brought back a couple lobsters to the boat, US!!

The Blue Man Group at Universal Studios was fantastic! TONS of fun!!! If you ever get the chance to go, do it. We were in the second row; they provided ponchos so you wouldn't get splashed by all the paint.

Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Keele for letting Jett move in with you during our lovers' hiatus.
Ron, I had an amazing time with you. I couldn't ask for a better husband & best friend. Here's to many more memories and good times my big strong komodo dragon.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Jett!!

It was Jett's 2nd birthday back on June 19th. Jett LOVES, LOVES, LOVES trains so we had to make him a choo-choo train cake.

You wouldn't believe how much food coloring it took. It makes me cringe a little just thinking about it.

It was a little homely, but Jett loved it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hello Nurse!

This spring, Ron finished the LPN program at CEU. Ron's parents were able to attend his pinning ceremony and an awards banquet with us.
That's right, this sexy beast received high honors. Woot woot!!

We're so proud of you Ron!
Jett even wore his "my dad is the most freakin' awesome" shirt.

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

Jett and I went to Hogle Zoo a while back. Jett's favorites were the giraffes & elephants.

Jett does a great elephant sound, complete with trunk impersonation.

We rode the "mantis" on the carousel. Jett loves Kung Fu Panda. So it was only appropriate. He wouldn't ride it alone so Mama hopped on too.

A couple of nuts!

Grandma Jean and cousin Kinsley came too. Kinsley was terrified of the bronze sculptured animals.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

White Christmas in Idaho

It looks like a postcard, right? This was taken at Grandma & Grandpa Keele's house.
Jett loved the beautiful Christmas tree! Cousin Autumn called the Santa Claus decorations "Papa" because they looked an aweful lot like Grandpa Keele.

Santa Claus was very generous this year. He got Autumn a new baby & a fun table that she and Jett loved to play at.

And Santa brought Jett his VERY OWN SPIDERMAN 4-WHEELER!!!!

Everyone got spoiled, especially Lindsey. Ron gave her an amazing pedicure/spa treatment set because a pampered woman is a happy woman!

It snowed so much that day that the power went out in the evening. Jett discovered how much fun it was to play with Uncle Aaron's new flashlights. Thank goodness for big wood-burning stoves in the house. It was a really fun candle-lit evening!!

Look at the damage the next day. The boys had to break out the bobcat to dig out all of our cars!

Christmas Time Craziness!!!

Jett got to meet Santa Clause for the first time this year.He went with all of his Jackson cousins & had fun playing with the display

Who's that handsome guy with Jett?

Jett's thinkin' really hard about what he wants to ask from Santa. Aunt Normie suggests he make is easy & ask for $$$$.

Jett asks for $$$$ very politely....

Santa tells Jett that he's been the #1 good boy on his list all year long!! Unfortunately, with the current economy he doesn't have any spare cash; he had to save the North Pole from forclosure because his request for bailout was the only one Congress denied.

Have we mentioned Jett gives the BEST kisses!?!?

He's got the girls linin' up already.

We got to party-hardy at Grandma & Grandpa Jackson's new house this year. All the cousins got cute hoodies from them.

Jett was still a little confused about the whole present thing. He needed to take lessons from the expert.....

Check out the concentration & follow-through!

As tradition requires, we all gathered round and sang Christmas songs.

Look out Rudolph, a new reindeer's coming to town!!